「Xu M, Wang F, Zhu X, Hao Z. Efficacy of cryotherapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer: a propensity score-matched study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2023 May 23;85(6):2695-2703」. 2023年の新しい論文になります。
Xu M, Wang F, Zhu X, Hao Z. Efficacy of cryotherapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer: a propensity score-matched study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2023 May 23;85(6):2695-2703
Xu M, Wang F, Zhu X, Hao Z. Efficacy of cryotherapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer: a propensity score-matched study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2023 May 23;85(6):2695-2703
Xu M, Wang F, Zhu X, Hao Z. Efficacy of cryotherapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer: a propensity score-matched study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2023 May 23;85(6):2695-2703
CIPNATスコアとは、患者さんが自己申告した末梢神経障害(CIPN)の症状の重さを評価するためのスコアです。NCI-CTCAEスコアは、National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Eventsの略で、がん治療による副作用の重さを評価するためのスコアです。
Xu M, Wang F, Zhu X, Hao Z. Efficacy of cryotherapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer: a propensity score-matched study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2023 May 23;85(6):2695-2703
Xu M, Wang F, Zhu X, Hao Z. Efficacy of cryotherapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer: a propensity score-matched study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2023 May 23;85(6):2695-2703
Xu M, Wang F, Zhu X, Hao Z. Efficacy of cryotherapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer: a propensity score-matched study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2023 May 23;85(6):2695-2703
NCI-CTCAEとは、National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Eventsの略で、がん治療による副作用の重さを評価するためのスコアです。このスコアは、副作用の種類と重症度に応じて、Grade 1からGrade 5までの5段階で評価されます。