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 In brief, consecutive patients over 65-years of age scheduled for non-metastatic colorectal cancer surgery were considered for inclusion and screened for frailty using the validated Fried frailty criteria [20]. The Fried frailty criteria are based on a phenotypic assessment of unintentional weight loss, weakness, exhaustion, slow gait, and low physical activity. Patients with 1 or 2 criteria are deemed intermediately frail and those with 3 or more criteria are considered frail [20,21]. Intermediately frail and frail patients with Fried frailty criteria ≥2 were enrolled from two sites within the McGill University Health Centers: Montreal General Hospital and at the Jewish General Hospital.

Gillis C, Fenton TR, Gramlich L, et al. Older frail prehabilitated patients who cannot attain a 400 m 6-min walking distance before colorectal surgery suffer more postoperative complications. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Apr;47(4):874-881

対象はMontreal General Hospital と Jewish General Hospitalで、非転移性大腸がん手術が予定されている65歳以上の患者です。





Using data from only the prehabilitation arm of the original trial [15], patients were divided into those who accomplished at least 400 m in 6 min (i.e., 6MWD at ≥ 400 m) and <400 m at their preoperative assessment (after four weeks of prehabilitation). This cut point was selected because it is below the normal range of 6MWD values reported for healthy subjects (normal range from 400 to 700 m) [36], and because the inability to complete 400 m in community dwelling elderly is associated with higher risk of mortality, incident cardiovascular disease, and disability [19].

Baseline patient characteristics and clinical outcomes were compared in patients who achieved <400 m and ≥400 m 6MWD at their preoperative assessment after prehabilitation.

Gillis C, Fenton TR, Gramlich L, et al. Older frail prehabilitated patients who cannot attain a 400 m 6-min walking distance before colorectal surgery suffer more postoperative complications. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Apr;47(4):874-881





A total of 55 intermediately frail and frail colorectal cancer patients were included in this secondary analysis of prehabilitation. Eight patients did not complete the 6MWT pre-surgery (8/55 = 15%). Sixty percent (n = 28/47) of the sample did not attain a minimum 400 m 6MWD in the preoperative period (i.e., the <400 m group) despite participating in approximately four weeks of prehabilitation [median (interquartile range, IQR): 40 (28–51) days]

The patients unable to achieve a minimum 400 m 6MWD at their preoperative assessment (after prehabilitation) were significantly older (mean ± standard deviation, SD: 80 ± 8 vs. 74 ± 7 years old, P = 0.01), had significantly more body fat [median (IQR): 37 (30–43) vs. 31 (22–3)]%, P = 0.02] and reported less total physical activity energy expenditure [median (IQR): 22 (7–80) vs. 56 (36–133) kcal/kg/week, P = 0.03] at baseline, compared to the patient group that were able to attain a minimum 6MWD of 400 m (Table 1). There was a greater proportion of patients with an American Society of Anesthesiologists’ (ASA) classification of III or higher (82 vs. 47%, P = 0.01) in the <400 m group. No between group differences were observed in cancer stage (P = 0.455) or surgical procedure (P = 0.814). While a statistically significant difference in the use of a laparoscopic approach was not found (P = 0.207), 32% of the <400 m group underwent surgery with an open procedure compared to 16% in the ≥400 m group. Additionally, twice as many patients in the <400 m group were nutritionally compromised and in need of a critical nutrition intervention (PG-SGA ≥9; 57 vs. 26%, P = 0.04). The physical status measures, with the exception of handgrip, were better in the ≥400 m group at baseline. No between group differences were observed in the Fried frailty criteria (≥3 vs. <3 criteria, P = 0.775; 2 to 5 criteria, P = 0.09).

Gillis C, Fenton TR, Gramlich L, et al. Older frail prehabilitated patients who cannot attain a 400 m 6-min walking distance before colorectal surgery suffer more postoperative complications. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Apr;47(4):874-881


術前評価で400mを達成できなかった患者は、有意に高齢(平均±標準偏差、SD:80±8歳 vs. 74±7歳、P = 0.01)で、体脂肪が多く、ベースライン時の総運動エネルギー消費量が少なかったです。

がんの病期(P = 0.455)および手術方法(P = 0.814)には群間差は認められていません。

400m未満の患者は栄養障害で重症栄養介入を必要としている割合が高かったようです。(PG-SGA≧9;57 vs. 26%、P = 0.04)。



Regarding HRQL, at baseline, only the physical function scale was different between the two study groups, with the ≥400 m group reporting significantly better physical function (P = 0.01) (Table 2). After prehabilitation, patients in the ≥400 m group continued to report better physical function (P < 0.001) than the <400 m group, but additionally reported significantly better role physical (P = 0.047), general health (P = 0.009), and social function (P = 0.031), which translated into greater total mental (P = 0.003), physical (P = 0.017), and overall quality of life (P = 0.005) than that reported in the <400 m group. While there were no statistically significant group differences in anxiety or depression at baseline, after prehabilitation the ≥400 m group had a lower score for depression (P = 0.047). Moreover, the ≥400 m group reported an improvement from baseline in pain (P = 0.029) and total physical score (P = 0.047) after prehabilitation. No preoperative improvements in HRQL were reported in the <400 m group. Of note, at the preoperative assessment there were missing data for four patients (4/28, 14%) in the <400 group and missing data for one patient in the ≥400 group (1/19, 5%).

Gillis C, Fenton TR, Gramlich L, et al. Older frail prehabilitated patients who cannot attain a 400 m 6-min walking distance before colorectal surgery suffer more postoperative complications. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Apr;47(4):874-881

QOLについては、ベースライン時、400m以上の患者では身体機能が有意に良好でした(P = 0.01)。

さらに、400m以上の患者は、身体的役割(P = 0.047)、一般健康(P = 0.009)、社会機能(P = 0.031)が著しく優れており、400m未満の群に比べ、精神(P = 0.003)、身体(P = 0.017)および全体的QOL(P = 0.005)の合計で優れていたと報告されたようです。

Gillis C, Fenton TR, Gramlich L, et al. Older frail prehabilitated patients who cannot attain a 400 m 6-min walking distance before colorectal surgery suffer more postoperative complications. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Apr;47(4):874-881



Gillis C, Fenton TR, Gramlich L, et al. Older frail prehabilitated patients who cannot attain a 400 m 6-min walking distance before colorectal surgery suffer more postoperative complications. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Apr;47(4):874-881

術前に400mを達成できた患者に比べ、400mを達成できなかった患者は、入院期間が有意に長かったようです。[中央値(IQR):6(3~11)日 vs 3(3~5)日;P=0.020]。





We observed that intermediately frail and frail elective colorectal surgery patients who could not attain ≥400 m 6MWD before surgery with our prehabilitation program experienced greater postoperative morbidity within the first 30 days of surgery. The Fried frailty criteria did not significantly differ between the <400 m and ≥400 m groups, suggesting that 6MWD might better identify patients with higher risk of adverse outcomes. Future trials should investigate the 400 m 6MWD as a minimal treatment target for prehabilitation. The patients belonging to the <400 m group were older, had higher percent body fat, were less physically fit, were nutritionally compromised, and engaged in less physical activity at baseline. Future trials should investigate whether or not these individual patient characteristics (e.g., poor physical function and nutritional status) are more appropriate than the Fried frailty criteria for screening patients into prehabilitation.

Gillis C, Fenton TR, Gramlich L, et al. Older frail prehabilitated patients who cannot attain a 400 m 6-min walking distance before colorectal surgery suffer more postoperative complications. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Apr;47(4):874-881













