
「Magnuson A, Lei L, Gilmore N, Kleckner AS, et al. Longitudinal Relationship Between Frailty and Cognition in Patients 50 Years and Older with Breast Cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 May;67(5):928-936.」、2019年に発行された論文です。
This study is a secondary analysis of data from a nationwide, multicenter, prospective longitudinal study that examined whether chemotherapy is associated with worse cognition in female patients with non-metastatic breast cancer undergoing treatment at community oncology clinics associated with the University of Rochester Cancer Center (URCC) National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP).19,20 Eligible subjects had a diagnosis of invasive breast cancer, stage I to stage IIIC disease, were chemotherapy naïve, and were scheduled to begin adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Subjects were excluded if they had metastatic disease, a prior diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease, currently pregnant, hospitalized within the past year for psychiatric illness, or were receiving concurrent radiation therapy. Age-matched non-cancer control participants were also recruited from the same geographic location as patients.19 The current study evaluated participants from the parent study that were aged ≥50 years old with complete data for cognitive assessment and frailty characteristics. We focused our analysis on subjects aged 50 years and over to include mainly post-menopausal subjects who may be more vulnerable to frailty. Institutional review boards at the URCC NCORP Research Base and each of the NCORP Community Affiliates approved the study. All subjects provided informed consent before entering the study. In brief, consecutive patients over 65-years of age scheduled for non-metastatic colorectal cancer surgery were considered for inclusion and screened for frailty using the validated Fried frailty criteria [20]. The Fried frailty criteria are based on a phenotypic assessment of unintentional weight loss, weakness, exhaustion, slow gait, and low physical activity. Patients with 1 or 2 criteria are deemed intermediately frail and those with 3 or more criteria are considered frail [20,21]. Intermediately frail and frail patients with Fried frailty criteria ≥2 were enrolled from two sites within the McGill University Health Centers: Montreal General Hospital and at the Jewish General Hospital.
Magnuson A, Lei L, Gilmore N, Kleckner AS, et al. Longitudinal Relationship Between Frailty and Cognition in Patients 50 Years and Older with Breast Cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 May;67(5):928-936.
Frailty Assessment The frailty assessment was based upon the Fried frailty phenotype, which has previously been described as a clinical syndrome involving self-reported exhaustion, weakness, slow walking speed, low physical activity, and/or unintentional weight loss.2 We approximated frailty by creating a modified Fried frailty score based on four of five self-report measures: 1) exhaustion and 2) weakness, were measured using the symptom inventory questionnaire (impaired defined as score ≥4 on scale 1–10); 3) walk speed and 4) physical activity were measured using the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study (ACLS) questionnaire with impaired gait speed defined as “casual or strolling” (2 mph) and impaired physical activity defined as <150 minutes per week of physical activity. The frailty score was the sum of the 4 scales yielding (range 0–4), with higher scores reflecting a greater number of frailty characteristics. Prior studies investigating frailty have demonstrated the ability to assess frailty using self-report measures21,22 or modification of the traditional frailty assessment components.23,24 Unintentional weight loss was not consistently assessed at follow-up time points and could not be evaluated longitudinally; thus it was not included in the modified frailty score. Prior studies have demonstrated that patients with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy do not experience significant change in weight over the course of treatment,25 thus it was felt that omitting weight from the frailty approximation would not influence the longitudinal change in frailty significantly.
Perceived cognition was assessed using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT-Cog) version 2, a validated measure to evaluate cognitive complaints related to cancer therapy.26 The FACT-Cog consists of four subscales that assess different facets of self-reported cognitive function. An overall cognitive function score (total FACT-Cog) was calculated as the sum of the four subscales, with smaller values implying greater cognitive difficulties. For our analysis, we compared patients with a lower than median value (“worse” subjective cognitive assessment) versus greater than median value (“better” subjective cognitive assessment)
Magnuson A, Lei L, Gilmore N, Kleckner AS, et al. Longitudinal Relationship Between Frailty and Cognition in Patients 50 Years and Older with Breast Cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 May;67(5):928-936.
認知機能の評価には、がん治療に関連する認知機能の訴えを評価するための有効な尺度であるFunctional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT-Cog) version 2を用いています。
Magnuson A, Lei L, Gilmore N, Kleckner AS, et al. Longitudinal Relationship Between Frailty and Cognition in Patients 50 Years and Older with Breast Cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 May;67(5):928-936.
研究対象者の平均年齢は59.36歳(SD 6.42)であり、平均年齢はがん群と対照群でほぼ同じでした。
対照群では高等教育(some college以上)を受けた被験者がより多かった。
また、ベースラインのFACT-Cogスコアは対照群と比較して乳がん患者で低かったです(mean±SD: 158.4±26.3 vs 167.3±20.1, p<0.001) 。
Magnuson A, Lei L, Gilmore N, Kleckner AS, et al. Longitudinal Relationship Between Frailty and Cognition in Patients 50 Years and Older with Breast Cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 May;67(5):928-936.
Magnuson A, Lei L, Gilmore N, Kleckner AS, et al. Longitudinal Relationship Between Frailty and Cognition in Patients 50 Years and Older with Breast Cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 May;67(5):928-936.
乳がん患者はA1からA2にかけて平均フレイルスコアが増加したが、対照者は同様の時間枠でfrailty scoreに変化がなかった(p<0.001;図1a)。
In conclusion, in this secondary analysis of a large nationwide study of cognition in breast cancer patients, we determined that breast cancer patients age ≥50 years old had higher mean frailty scores compared to age-matched non-cancer controls both prior to and following adjuvant chemotherapy and up to six months post-chemotherapy. Within this cohort, patients with worse subjective cognition at baseline had a higher degree of frailty at pre- and both post-treatment time points. Additionally, longitudinal increase in frailty characteristics was associated with longitudinal decline in self-reported cognition, COWA, TMT and DMS tests over the same time frame.Given that frailty is a known risk factor for older patients, and our results showing that cognitive problems are associated with frailty, consideration of this phenotype developing earlier needs to be considered for all clinicians treating patients with breast cancer. Interventions are needed to minimize the progression of frailty and cognitive decline.
Magnuson A, Lei L, Gilmore N, Kleckner AS, et al. Longitudinal Relationship Between Frailty and Cognition in Patients 50 Years and Older with Breast Cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 May;67(5):928-936.