
「McGovern J, Dolan RD, Horgan PG, et al. The prevalence and prognostic value of frailty screening measures in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: observations from a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 29;22(1):260」、2022年に発行された新しい論文です。システマティックレビューといって、いくつかの論文をまとめて解析しています。
The protocol for this systematic review was developed using PRISMA-P guidelines, including flowchart [19]. The primary outcome of interest was prevalence of frailty, as defined by measures of frailty, in patients with CRC undergoing surgery. The secondary outcome of interest of this systematic review was the association between frailty and clinical outcomes in those undergoing surgery for CRC. Clinical outcomes recorded where the incidence of post-operative complication (using both Clavien-dindo classification or descriptive definitions), 30-day mortality and overall survival. Patient demographic details, TNM stage, frailty measure used and the prevalence of frailty within the population were all recorded.
A literature search was made of the US National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE) and PubMed, from the start of the relevant database to the 3rd of May 2021. The search terms used were related to the following key words: “frailty”, “colon”, “rectal”. “colorectal”, “cancer”, “elderly”, “surgery”, “resection”, “frailty index”, “frailty score”, “Canadian Study of Health and Aging-Clinical Frailty Scale”, “CSHA-CSF”, “Fried frailty phenotype”, “Onco-geriatric screening tool”, “G8 questionnaire”, “Modified frailty index-5” and “MFI-5”, “Modified frailty index-11”, “MFI-11”, “Edmonton Frail Scale”, and “Groningen Frailty Indicator”. The search terms were chosen following multiple pilot searches using more inclusive terms that returned large numbers of abstracts which on initial assessment were irrelevant to the present review topic.
McGovern J, Dolan RD, Horgan PG, et al. The prevalence and prognostic value of frailty screening measures in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: observations from a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 29;22(1):260
McGovern J, Dolan RD, Horgan PG, et al. The prevalence and prognostic value of frailty screening measures in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: observations from a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 29;22(1):260
Fifteen studies (6 prospective and 9 retrospective, 97, 898 patients) were included in the qualitative analysis (See Table 1). The breakdown of quality of these studies using the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS) is shown in Fig. 2. To define frailty, three studies used the CSHA-CFS, three used the G8 questionnaire, two used Fried Frailty phenotype and four used the MFI-5 score. The MFI-11, Groningen frailty index and Edmonton frail scale were each used in one study. Of these studies, twelve reported the incidence of post-operative complications, four studies reported the incidence of thirty-day mortality and three studies reported long-term survival outcomes. In all but two studies reporting the median/mean age [21, 22], the majority included patients aged 70 years or older. Over 80% (n = 81, 803) of patients included were from a single study by Lo and co-workers [23], who found approximately 20% of patients were frail (MFI-5 ≥ 2). Tamura and co-workers reported the highest prevalence of frailty at 56% (n = 278) in a cohort of 500 patients using the G8 questionnaire [24]. 12% was the lowest prevalence of frailty reported in the included studies, in a study by Chen and co-workers of 1928 patients, that used the MFI-5 index [21].
McGovern J, Dolan RD, Horgan PG, et al. The prevalence and prognostic value of frailty screening measures in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: observations from a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 29;22(1):260
最も症例数が多い論文では(症例数 = 81,803名)では、患者の約20%がフレイルであることが認められました[ 23 ] 。
田村らは、500名の患者の研究でで56%(278名)のフレイルの有病率を報告し、15編の論文の中でが最も高い有病率でした[ 24 ]。
The relationship between frailty and post-operative complications is shown in Table 2. Twelve studies including 96,329 patients reported the incidence of post-operative complications in frail patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer [21, 23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33]. Post-operative complications included ranged from CD ≥ 1 in three studies, CD ≥ 2 in four studies and CD ≥ 3 in five studies. In one of the three studies reporting the incidence of grade ≥ 1 complications, frailty was significantly associated with the development of post-operative complications on univariate analysis (p = 0.038, [33]). Three out of the four studies reporting the incidence of grade ≥ 2 complications, found that frailty was associated with the incidence of post-operative complications [26, 31, 32]. Furthermore, this association remained significant on multivariate binary logistics regression analysis in two studies [26, 32]. Lastly, in studies reporting the incidence of serious complications i.e., grade ≥ 3, three reported that frailty was significantly associated with post-operative complications on multivariate binary logistics regression analysis [21, 23, 27]. Of the studies showing an association with frailty and the incidence of post-operative complications on multivariate analysis (See Table 2), the strength of this was found to be moderate in two studies [21, 23] and strong in the other three [26, 27, 32].
McGovern J, Dolan RD, Horgan PG, et al. The prevalence and prognostic value of frailty screening measures in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: observations from a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 29;22(1):260
フレイルと術後合併症の関係に関しては、グレード1以上の合併症の発生率を報告している3編の論文の1つでは、フレイルは単変量解析での術後合併症の発症と有意に関連していました(p = 0.038、[ 33 ])。
さらに、この関連性は、2つの論文では多変量解析でも有意となっていました[ 26、32]。
最後に、重篤な合併症、すなわちグレード3以上の発生率を報告した研究では、3つが多変量解析で、術後合併症と有意に関連していると報告しまています[ 21、23、27 ]。
The relationship between frailty and thirty-day mortality is shown in Table 3. Four studies including 9,880 patients reported the incidence of thirty-day mortality in frail patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer [26, 28, 30, 34]. Two studies, one using the CSHA-CFS [34] and the other using the MFI-5 score [26], reported that frailty was significantly associated with thirty-day mortality. In the latter, this association remained significant on multivariate binary logistics regression analysis (p < 0.001, [26]. The strength of the association was found to be strong (OR 20.8, 95% CI 6.2–70.0, P < 0.001, See Table 2). In the remaining two studies, the association was not significant on univariate analysis [28, 30].
McGovern J, Dolan RD, Horgan PG, et al. The prevalence and prognostic value of frailty screening measures in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: observations from a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 29;22(1):260
この関連性は多変量解析においても有意でした(p <0.001、[ 26 ])。
The relationship between frailty and overall survival is shown in Table 4. Three studies including 1, 569 patients reported the association between frailty and overall survival [22, 34, 35]. Artiles-Armas and co-workers reported a mean follow-up of 5 years only [34]. Mima and co-workers reported a median follow-up of 3.5 years (interquartile range: 2.5–5.1 years, [35]. Feliciano and co-workers reported a median follow-up of 5.8 years (interquartile range: 1 month-19.9 years, [22]. Frailty, defined by the CSHA-CFS and frailty phenotype, was found to be significantly associated with overall survival in two studies (Both, P < 0.001 [22, 35]. In both studies this association was found to be of moderate strength (HR 2.40, 95% CI 1.40–2.99, P < 0.001 and HR 1.94, 95% CI 1.39–2.69, P < 0.001, See Table 4).
McGovern J, Dolan RD, Horgan PG, et al. The prevalence and prognostic value of frailty screening measures in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: observations from a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 29;22(1):260
2つの論文で、フレイルは全生存期間と有意に関連していました [22、35 ]。
In conclusion, frailty was common in older adults undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer, across a range of frailty screening measures. Which of these has the greatest utility in clinical practice is unclear and requires further study. Furthermore, while frailty would appear to be moderately associated with post-operative outcomes, the basis of this relationship also remains unclear. Specifically, if frailty per se has an independent prognostic value or is simply reflective of the nutritional and functional reserve of the patient.
McGovern J, Dolan RD, Horgan PG, et al. The prevalence and prognostic value of frailty screening measures in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: observations from a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 29;22(1):260
フレイルを予防・改善させるための治療には、プレハビリテーションとして運動や栄養補助食品の摂取が必要なようです。[ 67 ][ 68 ]。