・介入群は、アプリを介して5-15分程度の動画を配信、運動継続や体重管理について報告 、理学療法士に電話やチャットで質問を6週間実施した。
「Effectiveness of Internet-Based Exercises Aimed at Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: The iBEAT-OA Randomized Clinical Trial. Gohir SA, Eek F, Kelly A, Abhishek A, Valdes AM. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Feb 1;4(2):e210012. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0012.」 2021年に発行された論文になります。
Participants were recruited from an existing database of community-dwelling adults with knee pain who had previously agreed to be contacted for future studies on osteoarthritis or from answering advertisements posted on social media.
Inclusion criteria were age 45 years or older, a clinical diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis (defined as knee pain for ≥3 months, early morning stiffness <30 minutes, crepitus, bony tenderness, and no palpable warmth),14 as well as radiographically established knee osteoarthritis (determined by Kellgren and Lawrence grade ≥1 on the 1-4 scale).15,16 Further inclusion criteria were the ability to read and write English and having access to and ability to use a smartphone or tablet.
Exclusion criteria were inability to give informed consent, terminal or mental illness, neurological conditions (ie, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, motor neuron disease, muscular dystrophy, or Huntington disease), inflammatory joint diseases (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease), or dementia. Further exclusion criteria were having been diagnosed with sleep apnea by physician, acute soft tissue injury to the knee within last 3 months before inclusion, and unstable heart condition or rapid fluctuations in hypertension, or a body mass index (BMI; calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) greater than 50
Effectiveness of Internet-Based Exercises Aimed at Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: The iBEAT-OA Randomized Clinical Trial. Gohir SA, Eek F, Kelly A, Abhishek A, Valdes AM. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Feb 1;4(2):e210012. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0012.
- 終末期または精神疾患
- 神経疾患炎症性関節疾患
- 認知症睡眠時無呼吸症候群
- 過去3か月以内の膝への急性軟組織損傷
- 心不全または高血圧の急激な変動
- BMIが50以上
Intervention Group The treatment to the intervention group consisted of a 6-week digitally delivered program accessed via an iOS (Apple) or Google Play (Alphabet) app. It provided the intervention group with daily exercises and informative texts. The open- and closed-chain exercise instructions focused on neuromuscular leg strengthening and core stability and performance, as well as balance enhancement, as exemplified by doing sit-to-stand and stair-climbing exercises. These exercises were adjusted by the program in regard to degrees of complexity, load, and difficulty in relation to each participant’s response after doing the exercise, classified as too easy, good, or too difficult.10 The educational sessions covered the basics of osteoarthritis, its treatment, self-managing symptoms, the benefits of behavioral change and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Each educational session was followed by a quiz to ensure that participants had understood the key messages. Adherence was encouraged by daily emails or smartphone notifications, or by the physiotherapist via asynchronous chat or telephone during the study period.
All participants were monitored similarly and had a face-to-face meeting at enrollment (ie, baseline) and after 6 weeks (ie, end of study) to assess function, muscle strength, and pain sensitization and to complete questionnaires. At the first session, participants who had not had a radiographic examination in the previous 12 months underwent standing radiographic imaging (posteroanterior view) for Kellgren and Lawrence grading.15,16 Participants were asked to provide information on analgesic medication use (over the counter or prescribed) at both sessions.
Effectiveness of Internet-Based Exercises Aimed at Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: The iBEAT-OA Randomized Clinical Trial. Gohir SA, Eek F, Kelly A, Abhishek A, Valdes AM. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Feb 1;4(2):e210012. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0012.
- NRS:「過去1週間に最も痛みを伴う膝にどのくらいの痛みがありましたか?」
- Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC)
- 30-second sit-to-stand test
- Timed Up-and-Go test(TUG)
- Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ)
- 大腿四頭筋とハムストリングの筋力
- 圧痛閾値:pressure pain threshold(PPT)
- 医師やセラピストの、対面での診療
- 変形性膝関節症に対するパンフレット配布
- アプリを介して5-15分程度の動画を配信(6週間)
- 内容は、 OA、身体活動の効果、自己管理、運動療法について
- アプリを介して、運動継続や体重管理について報告
- 理学療法士に電話やチャットで質問も可能
Effectiveness of Internet-Based Exercises Aimed at Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: The iBEAT-OA Randomized Clinical Trial. Gohir SA, Eek F, Kelly A, Abhishek A, Valdes AM. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Feb 1;4(2):e210012. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0012.
入会金月額料金なし!楽しく続けるなら【オンラインエクササイズLOOOM】Effectiveness of Internet-Based Exercises Aimed at Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: The iBEAT-OA Randomized Clinical Trial. Gohir SA, Eek F, Kelly A, Abhishek A, Valdes AM. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Feb 1;4(2):e210012. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0012.
入会金月額料金なし!楽しく続けるなら【オンラインエクササイズLOOOM】Effectiveness of Internet-Based Exercises Aimed at Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: The iBEAT-OA Randomized Clinical Trial. Gohir SA, Eek F, Kelly A, Abhishek A, Valdes AM. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Feb 1;4(2):e210012. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0012.
This parallel-group randomized clinical trial compared knee osteoarthritis management via a digital platform with a self-management usual care program. Both forms of management conformed to clinical guidelines. Digital delivery was superior to routine self-management. No serious harms were reported. Our findings suggest that digital treatment has the potential to decrease the osteoarthritis burden on both the health care systems and patients
Effectiveness of Internet-Based Exercises Aimed at Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: The iBEAT-OA Randomized Clinical Trial. Gohir SA, Eek F, Kelly A, Abhishek A, Valdes AM. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Feb 1;4(2):e210012. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0012.
入会金月額料金なし!楽しく続けるなら【オンラインエクササイズLOOOM】・介入群は、アプリを介して5-15分程度の動画を配信、運動継続や体重管理について報告 、理学療法士に電話やチャットで質問を6週間実施した。