
「McIsaac DI, Hladkowicz E, Bryson GL, et al. Home-based prehabilitation with exercise to improve postoperative recovery for older adults with frailty having cancer surgery: the PREHAB randomised clinical trial. Br J Anaesth. 2022 May 16:S0007-0912(22)00188-X.」、2022年に発行された最新の論文です。
ぴったりのインストラクターを探せる【オンラインエクササイズ LOOOM】
Patients were recruited in surgical clinics at the time of booking for any elective surgical resection with curative intent for intra-abdominal or thoracic cancer (colorectal, thoracic, hepatobiliary, or urologic).Inclusion criteria included: age ≥60 yr, the ability to communicate in French or English, and a score of ≥4/9 on the Clinical Frailty Scale (this cut-off maximises sensitivity and specificity for identifying older patients who will develop new disability after surgery).1,5 Frailty assessors were trained and certified using standardised techniques.22 Participants were excluded if their expected surgery date was <21 days from the day of enrolment (if the actual time from enrolment to surgery was <21 days patients were not excluded). Participants underwent post-randomisation exclusion if their surgery was cancelled or if their tumour was deemed non-resectable on the day of surgery (as judged by the surgeon, who was blinded to allocation).23
McIsaac DI, Hladkowicz E, Bryson GL, et al. Home-based prehabilitation with exercise to improve postoperative recovery for older adults with frailty having cancer surgery: the PREHAB randomised clinical trial. Br J Anaesth. 2022 May 16:S0007-0912(22)00188-X.
参加基準は、年齢60歳以上、フランス語または英語でのコミュニケーション能力、Clinical Frailty Scaleのスコア4/9以上(このカットオフ値は、術後に新たな障害を発症する高齢患者を特定するための感度および特異性を最大化する)1,5としています。
The intervention was a home-based total-body exercise training program (exercise prehabilitation), based on a protocol with proved efficacy in improving the function of people without frailty in <4 weeks before surgery.13,24 Exercise prehabilitation was prescribed as 1 h sessions, done at least three times per week, consisting of three components: 1) strength training (one set of 10 repetitions of 10 exercises, modified to the individual’s capabilities: push ups, seated rows, chest fly, deltoid lift, bicep curls, triceps extensions, chair squats, hamstring curls, standing calf raises, and abdominal crunches); 2) aerobic exercise (e.g. walking, biking, or swimming) for 20 min at moderate intensity); and 3) flexibility (six stretches, each to be held for 20 s, done for two repetitions, targeting the chest, arms, legs, and trunk). A healthy eating before surgery guide was also provided
McIsaac DI, Hladkowicz E, Bryson GL, et al. Home-based prehabilitation with exercise to improve postoperative recovery for older adults with frailty having cancer surgery: the PREHAB randomised clinical trial. Br J Anaesth. 2022 May 16:S0007-0912(22)00188-X.
ぴったりのインストラクターを探せる【オンラインエクササイズ LOOOM】
We assessed 543 patients for eligibility from January 19, 2017 to November 15, 2019. Of these patients, 180 were excluded for not having frailty (<4/9 on the Clinical Frailty Scale) and 50 declined to participate. We randomised 204 patients (102 to each of prehabilitation and control; Fig 1). The modified intention to treat population consisted of 94 intervention arm participants (eight were excluded as a result of not having the planned surgery [n=7] or death before surgery [n=1]), and 88 control arm participants (14 were excluded because of not having the planned surgery). Follow-up was complete for 163 (90%) participants. The intervention arm had a greater proportion of females, lower baseline 6MWT distance, and more individuals with a fear of falling (Table 1).
McIsaac DI, Hladkowicz E, Bryson GL, et al. Home-based prehabilitation with exercise to improve postoperative recovery for older adults with frailty having cancer surgery: the PREHAB randomised clinical trial. Br J Anaesth. 2022 May 16:S0007-0912(22)00188-X.
McIsaac DI, Hladkowicz E, Bryson GL, et al. Home-based prehabilitation with exercise to improve postoperative recovery for older adults with frailty having cancer surgery: the PREHAB randomised clinical trial. Br J Anaesth. 2022 May 16:S0007-0912(22)00188-X.
規定エクササイズの80%以上を完了した対象者と比較すると、プレはビリテーションを行うと術後の6MWTパフォーマンスが有意に改善し(76m、95%CI 30~122m、P=0.001)、合併症が少なく(率比0.60、95%CI 0.41~0.99、P=0.048)、障害スコアも低い(-4、95%CI -7~-1、P=0.019)ことが報告されました。
ぴったりのインストラクターを探せる【オンラインエクササイズ LOOOM】
In a randomised trial of home-based exercise prehabilitation, cancer surgery patients with frailty did not improve their postoperative functional recovery or other outcomes compared with standard care plus written activity and dietary guidelines. Efforts to understand and overcome barriers to prehabilitation adherence may be required to help older people with frailty realise the potential benefits of prehabilitation.
McIsaac DI, Hladkowicz E, Bryson GL, et al. Home-based prehabilitation with exercise to improve postoperative recovery for older adults with frailty having cancer surgery: the PREHAB randomised clinical trial. Br J Anaesth. 2022 May 16:S0007-0912(22)00188-X.
ぴったりのインストラクターを探せる【オンラインエクササイズ LOOOM】